Invest In Film
There’s no denying that motion pictures as an alternative investment class is at an all-time high. Take a look at the major banks, funds and accomplished investors currently involved in film financing. You’ll see a list that includes Dune Capital, Bank Of America, AIG Direct Investments, B.O.A. Capital Investors, M/C Venture Partners, Fred Smith (Federal Express), Jeff Skoll (Ebay), Marc Cuban (Dallas Mavricks), and many others.
The recent extention of Section 181 of the Tax Code expired on January 1, 2014, but Elevating Entertainment took steps to grandfather many of our films in development which offers an amazing Federal Tax Deduction for investors in US film productions. Couple this tax credit with new and expanding State film incentives which offer cash refunds of 25% to 42% for production dollars spent within a state, and an investor can see a return of nearly 50% to 77% of their invested capital before the film is actually released.
Click here to view our PDF presentation of Why Invest In Film?
Contact us for more information about how you can get involved with our upcoming film projects.